The Impossible Mandate Of Femininity3.jpg


career, children, equality, family, feminism, motherhood, parenting, women

women’s unseen, unpaid labor

socially enforced gender roles

controlling women through their bodies

lost time, energy and money, as consumerism and capitalism unite to diminish our resources

Part One:


Part Two:

Marks On Our Bodies/Things That Constrain Us

Working Mother Part 1

Working Mother Part 2

 Things That Constrain Us

Things That Constrain Us

 The Impossible Mandate Of Femininity, No. 1

The Impossible Mandate Of Femininity, No. 1

 Accepting Ourselves

Accepting Ourselves

 We Glance Seductively

We Glance Seductively

 Do Not Sit Quietly

Do Not Sit Quietly

 Compressed Into Submission

Compressed Into Submission

 The Impossible Mandate Of Femininity, No. 2

The Impossible Mandate Of Femininity, No. 2

 Constricting Our Very Breath

Constricting Our Very Breath

 A Public Indecency

A Public Indecency

 Not Feminine

Not Feminine

 Hobbled By The Constraints Of Femininity

Hobbled By The Constraints Of Femininity

 The Impossible Mandate Of Femininity, No. 3

The Impossible Mandate Of Femininity, No. 3

  Watch a 30 second video of this work in Unmuted at the Hyde Park Art Center    Part 2:   We are pressured to accept the role of primary or sole caregivers in society, and not compensated for the labor that benefits society. This unpaid labor is not

Watch a 30 second video of this work in Unmuted at the Hyde Park Art Center

Part 2:

We are pressured to accept the role of primary or sole caregivers in society, and not compensated for the labor that benefits society. This unpaid labor is not included in economic measures, such as GNP. The devaluation of women, as evidenced by the pay, wealth and power gaps that affect them, causes a general acceptance of the correctness of society’s history of taking women’s labor without compensation.